Thanksgiving is an American holiday where people celebrate with family, friends, food, and football! Many people watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade which is in New York City. It is also a time where many Americans begin thinking about buying gifts for Christmas and many stores have good sales. Black Friday is the name of the day after Thanksgiving. You will look at some websites to help you understand about Thanksgiving.
You will watch a "talking story" about Thanksgiving and take a short quiz.
Read more about Squanto. It is important to understand the whole story of Thanksgiving.
You will listen about Thanksgiving. Choose a word to complete each sentence.
This is a short video where you will learn some idioms related to Thanksgiving. Complete the worksheet after you watch the video.
You will complete a short crossword puzzle. Look at your handout for the words you will choose from.
Harder: Read this article about Black Friday and answer the questions on your worksheet.
You can watch a slideshow about the Macy's Parade and read about each picture.
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